Barbara D.'s review of Video Reporter, Inc

Video Reporter, Inc

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/24/2011
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. 0
Review 2/24/2011
Under no circumstances should anyone take this company at their word. They are a scam, a fraud, a liar, and a thief. If they get your bank account number on a check, or a credit card number they will withdraw the money from your account unless you close it immediately. The only way to get money back from them is with a charge back on a credit card, and believe me it will take months to do. I fought American Express on this for 4 months and had to threaten to close all of my credit cards with them and to refuse to accept it ever again in my store.

I have been hounded for the money on the phone, by a phony collections agent. I told her she would not get a dime from me. I sent all of the communication and scam complaints from the Internet to my attorney. Now they have an attorney trying to collect. If you have paid them, your money is gone. If you refuse to pay, don't give in to these thieves. They belong behind bars, but even complaints in 5 states to the attorney generals have done nothing to stop them.
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Hours   Phone   (818) 598-0061 Address   21107 Vanowen Street
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Website Email
Contact   Marty Hecht Other  
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