Yan S.'s review of Southside Towing

Southside Towing

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 12/17/2010
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Review 12/17/2010
This Southside Towing is now located at 1643 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa CA92627. Three years ago, they towed away our van in collaboration of 2176
Pacific Homeowners Association. The towing is illegal and the 2176 Pacific HOA is being sued at the Orange Court Superior Court. This Southside Towing will be be sued because the towing is illegal. After the towing, Southside
Towing reported a debt against the owner of the van. This is a violation of
Federal code of 1681S-2 and California Civil Code of 1785.
The towing of the van is illegal because the CC&R's of 2176 Pacific HOA did not authorize such towing. However, the president of 2176 Pacific HOA - Stephen D. Price claimed that the CC&R's had been changed to disallow the parking of our van. After the van was towed, Stephen D. Price admitted that tha CC&R's were not amended. Car owners, be careful and watch out for such
fraudulent towing. If they are going to tow your vehicle, be sure to ask for the legal authorization - something code and laws in writing. Do not believe somebody's words of the mouth.
Yan Sui
Business's response - on 1/4/2011
We were called out by your association to tow your vehicle. When we arrived, the association and yourself were present. We even gave you a chance to move the car but you refused and decided to take stuff out of the car instead. The vehicle was in our impound yard and when its lien cleared it was sold to the junkyard. Pursuant to Sections 3068.1 to 3074, inclusive, of the Civil Code, a towing company may sell your vehicle and any moneys received will be applied to towing and storage-related fees that have accumulated against your vehicle. You are responsible for paying the towing company any outstanding balance due on any of these fees once the sale is complete. We have spoken with the Dataline Collections and your case was closed and all fees were dropped in May 2010. I hope this resolves your complaint.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM Orange County Sheriff Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 6:00PM Phone   (949) 631-8698 Address   1643 Placentia Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Website   http://www.southside-towing.com Email   carjail@gmail.com
Contact   Dave Padua Other  
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