Review 12/21/2010
The worst rip-off ever!! Be warned, they are masters of the sales pitch stating they have thousands of guys that are just what you are looking for. This could not be further from the truth. When you talk to your matches they are all being setup with the same small handful of guys. You think that at this ridiculous price they are doing some kind of pre-screening for you, they do only in the very general sense (age, location).
They will eventually call you and tell you of a terrific match they have made for you (note you never see pictures) - sometimes saying he could be a model - give you some generalities like he likes music, walks on the beach - you accept or reject this general review, get the guys number, and setup your date. The model looking guy was so not - fairly paunchey actually. I was setup with guys outside of my age range, outside of my ethnic preference, part time workers, guys with dyed hair, low social skills, you name it. You hope and trust that maybe the match makers have a clue of what you have been looking for and accept these outside your requested types thinking they must know something special but its not about you, its about the next guy in the line-up. Lets face it - they have to setup the creepy ones too right?
You are FAR better off going to a regular dating website. This is not the high-end, customer focused organization you hope it to be. Please dont be taken in - run!